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The details of papers are shown. The details are shown by tapping or clicking a material title in the result list or bookmark list. If papers are listed in a table of contents in the book or journal details, tapping or clicking a paper title also shows the paper details.
In the page for material details, various information, links and buttons are shown.
The following information is shown. The information varies depending on the library settings, material types and users’ login status.
The title, author and other outlines of the paper are shown. The items to be shown vary depending on the library settings.
The material type and its image are shown.
The control buttons available for the material are shown. The buttons vary depending on the material type, library settings and your status.
The paper abstract (overview) is shown.
The details of the paper are shown. The information items vary depending on the library settings.
If you can tap or click information items, the details of books or journals in which the corresponding paper is placed are shown.
The following operations are available in the page for material details. Some are not available depending on the library settings, material types and users’ login status.
For the information items shown in the page, refer to Contents.
You can view the details of the materials placed in the previous or next row in the list. For details, refer to If you want to view the details of other materials.
The details of the book or journal in which the paper is placed can be referenced.
Tapping or clicking [Containing material] opens the details of the book or journal.
Tapping or clicking [«Back] or [Next»] turns the pages for other material details shown in the list.
Tap or click [Back to list] to go back to the list.